
Monday, December 29, 2014

Awaken Her

adding this edit as of 18 Feb 2023 since this post has recently been linked to outside of blogger

I am no longer active on this blog. My current blog can be found here as well as the newly-written part two of this story.

Disclaimer: some of the views expressed in the content of Barefoot in the Snow no longer represent me or my beliefs.

I don't know what she's thinking, diving in like that. I watch her pierce the water's calm face and disappear beneath the surface. We wait for her to return.

The water is dark, deep, consuming. I search through the veil but cannot see. Soon, I return to the surface, just long enough to breathe, then push myself down deep below the glass. She's in here somewhere. She's fine, she just needs help to find the way. 
I ascend once more. Nathan calls my name just before the water muffles my ears. He's found her, and she's fine. Of course she is. 
The current guides me toward them on the bank just beyond me. I give into its strength while I wonder what went on. She's lying on the ground, Nathan trying to revive her. Of course she's okay, she just needs air. 
I make it to where they've landed. Her lips are purple, her face is white. She's not dead yet.

I remember the sirens' scream as we rushed toward each other. We had to get her to the road, the ambulances couldn't get to the river. Nathan held her and ran, still I could hardly keep up.

The mad rush to the hospital, the rush through the halls, the frantic hurry to waken her.

I wish it had worked. No, she didn't die. She was fine, of course she was fine. She'd never been better.

That was the problem.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Novel Idea – Jainie Ruth

A Novel Idea
click on the picture for this week's linkup
It's been awhile. But, I'm excited to be answering more questions. Enter, Jainie Ruth Alexander.

Who is her father and what is he like?
Kyle Alexander is a Navy SEAL. He's been missing in action for quite some time. Loyal, strong, protective.

Who is her mother and what is she like?
Mia Jasmin was a beautiful young woman. She married Kyle and they had two children together, but she left them with her [abusive] brother not long after her husband went missing. 

Are her parents still married, or divorced?
Technically, they're still married.

Describe her siblings – if she has any.
Joshua Kyle Alexander. He's older than her by five years. She looks up to him, relies on him. She sees him as the strongest person she knows. She knows he's not perfect but through her eyes he is.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Moment // O Momento

Something told me. He's here.

I flew down the stairs and out the door. He was close, I knew he was. My mom called after me, but I hardly heard. She was drowned out by the voice drumming in my head, He's here, he's here. He's close, he's here.

I ran to the end of our driveway and down the old dirt road. It stopped into pavement before too long, diving beneath the hard black surface, creating a T with the yellow lines fading down the middle of the modern road. I could see headlights. It's him, he's here. For once the voices were welcome.

I waited by the stop sign, anxiously patient. I peered through the windows as the car got closer, trying to see in, somehow knowing but still wondering. The sun was low, peeping over the hills in the background, lighting the world just enough to send it to sleep. I slowly realized all at once the icy cold seeping through my soles; in my hurry I'd run all this way barefoot in the snow, wearing only my short-sleeved pajamas. I didn't mind. He's here.

The car slowed as it crept closer. It finally pulled round the corner and stopped in front of me. A man stepped out in full uniform. I stood tall just above his waist. I stared at his belt for the longest second of my life, the moment my heart stopped time. I raised my eyes to his face, suddenly scared to trust my eyes or the voices, the moment that didn't exist. I looked into his smiling eyes. It's him.

He knelt down and held his arms out to me. Next thing I knew I was in his arms, the moment the world was still.

Algo me disse. Ele está aqui.

Desci as escadas e saiu pela porta. Ele estava perto, eu sabia que ele era. Minha mãe me chamou, mas eu quase não ouvi. Ela foi abafada pelo rufar voz na minha cabeça, Ele está aqui, ele está aqui. Ele está perto, ele está aqui.

Corri para o final do nosso caminho e pela estrada de terra antiga. Ele parou na calçada antes de muito tempo, o mergulho sob a superfície dura preta, criando um T com as linhas amarelas desvanecem no meio da estrada moderna. Eu podia ver os faróis. É ele, ele está aqui. Pela primeira vez, as vozes eram bem-vindos.

Esperei pelo sinal de parada, ansiosamente paciente. Olhei através das janelas quando o carro se aproximou, tentando ver em, de alguma forma saber, mas ainda se perguntando. O sol estava baixo, olhando ao longo dos montes no fundo, iluminando o mundo apenas o suficiente para enviá-lo para dormir. Eu lentamente percebeu tudo de uma vez o frio gelado que escoa através de minhas solas; Na minha pressa eu ia correr todo esse caminho descalço na neve, usando apenas o meu pijama de manga curta. Eu não me importava. Ele está aqui.

O carro diminuiu, uma vez que se arrastou mais perto. Ele finalmente se ao virar da esquina e parou na minha frente. Um homem saiu de uniforme completo. Eu estava logo acima de sua espera. Olhei para sua cintura para o segundo mais longo da minha vida, o momento meu coração parou tempo. Ergui os olhos para o seu rosto, de repente, com medo de confiar em meus olhos, nem as vozes, o momento em que não existia. Olhei em seus olhos sorridentes. É ele.

Ajoelhou-se e estendeu is braços para min. A próxima coisa que eu sabia que eu estava em seua braços, o momento em que o mundo ainda era.
translated by Google Translate

Monday, December 22, 2014

Black and Brown // Preto e Marrom

I walked to the small coffee shop near our house. A twenty-minute walk but worth it, and I needed the air and exercise to create the illusion of clearing my head.

As I sat at the small metal table, I couldn't help but think. Things and nonsense and otherwise clouded my mind while I attempted to dispel them all. It was just one of those days.

He sat down next to me, dressed all in black, but I wasn't afraid. I didn't even look at him and he didn't say a word. He just sat with his iPhone and I simply understood he was there.

My coffee came and smiled at me, a comforting warmth that poured down my throat. I was drowned in the scalding liquid blanket and the sound streaming from the lines connecting me to the world. Nothing could have been better.

Fui até a pequena loja de café perto da nossa casa. A caminhada de vinte minutos, mas vale a pena, e eu precisava de ar e exercer para criar a ilusão de limpar minha cabeça.

Enquanto eu me sentei na mesa de metal pequeno, eu não pude deixar de pensar. Coisas e absurdo e de outra forma moldaram minha mente enquanto eu tentava dissipar todos eles. Foi apenas um daqueles dias.

Sentou-se ao meu lado, todo vestido de preto, mas eu não estava com medo. Eu nem sequer olhar para ele e ele não disse uma palavra. Ele apenas ficou com seu iPhone e eu simplesmente entendeu que ele estava lá.

Meu café veio e sorriu para mim, um calor reconfortante que derramou na minha garganta. Eu estava afogado no cobertor líquido escaldante eo som de streaming a partir das linhas me ligam ao mundo. Nada poderia ter sido melhor.
translated by Google Translate

Dark as Night // Escuro como Noite

I run hard through the darkening forest. The sun is setting and it's that strange time of night just before the absence of light when the darkness has consumed your eyes. My bloody red skirt reaches under my feet and grabs at my legs, threatening to overthrow me.

Eu corro difícil através da floresta escura. O sol está se pondo e é nessa época estranha da noite, pouco antes da ausência de luz quando a escuridão consumiu seus olhos. Minha saia vermelha sangrenta atinge debaixo dos meus pés e pega as minhas pernas, ameaçando me derrubar.
translation by Google Translate

Friday, November 21, 2014

Ramblings of Reality

'Ello, mates!

Thanksgiving is nearly upon us and I am still extremely busy.

I entirely abandoned Nano. (Oops.)

I'm doing online college courses.

I'm going to see my favorite CCM band tomorrow (Friday) night.
(Any other Tenth fans?)
^This is one of the benefits of Florida. Yes, I've found they do exist.

I'm currently part of an awesome bible study group. Every other Thursday night, and Sunday afternoon once a month just to get together.
The group only started six Thursdays ago. So today was the 3rd meeting + the game night this past Sunday afternoon. (Yes, we called it a game night, anyway. We're cool like that.)

No, it's not Christmas yet.
Christmas comes after Thanksgiving and not before.
Thank you.
That said, I am looking forward to the white Christmas I'll hopefully be seeing in Pennsylvania when I visit.

I really have nothing in particular to say right now. Only making an appearance, I suppose.
You know, so y'all know I'm still here.
Sorry I've been so neglective my blogs! I do miss it all.

Ohhhh, I never posted Part 2, did I?! Wow, to be honest, I don't think I ever finished editing it. It's been actually written since before I saw the first episode, just not properly edited. Or posted, obviously...
Terribly sorry, I'll have to get on that sometime...
I honestly do mean that.

Woah, it's already almost 1am! I'd better get to sleep.
Black says hi. He has a name now but I guess I'm not publishing it tonight.

Goodnight, everyone.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Plenilune - Cover Reveal

Hello, darlings!

Sorry, went all Red Queen there for a moment.


Jenny Freitag will be publishing her newest book on 20 October, and today is the cover reveal!

But, before all the fun stuff, here's an explanation of what planetary fantasy is, written by Jenny herself. (It's actually quite good. Yes, it is.) Also, go check out her blog!

Now that that's out of the way...

The fate of Plenilune hangs on the election of the Overlord, for which Rupert de la Mare and his brother are the only contenders, but when Rupert’s unwilling bride-to-be uncovers his plot to murder his brother, the conflict explodes into civil war. 

To assure the minds of the lord-electors of Plenilune that he has some capacity for humanity, Rupert de la Mare has been asked to woo and win a lady before he can become the Overlord, and he will do it—even if he has to kidnap her.

En route to Naples to catch a suitor, Margaret Coventry was not expecting a suitor to catch her.

JENNIFER FREITAG lives with her husband in a house they call Clickitting, with their two cats Minnow and Aquila, and their own fox kit due to be born in early December.  Jennifer writes in no particular genre because she never learned how, she is make of sparks like Boys of Blur, and if she could grasp the elements, she would bend them like lightning.  Until then, she sets words on fire.
Living with her must be excruciating.

And guess what? Plenilune has it's own Goodreads page!

Well, that's all for now, folks!

What's that? Yes, yes, I'll be posted that fanfic soon... Maybe I should get that edited now? Nahhh.

Goodnight morning, friends!

Monday, September 29, 2014

FanFiction, Part II

Hello, dearies! I finally wrote part two of my fanfiction last night, between 12 and 1 am. Because of church yesterday, I still haven't seen the season 4 premiere, so it still counts! I've just got to edit it and get it ready to post, which I plan to get done today (it might take a bit longer, with packing and such, but hopefully not). It's about half as long as part one, and so I do apologize. Hopefully it's still as enjoyable as the first one seemed to be.

Check back for part two, coming soon!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hacked by One

Hi. This is the phantom. That's what she calls me, anyway (the writeress, that is).

She said the other day that it might be cool if someone hacked onto her blog and did a birthday post, like Anne's sisters/friends did, but that no one could hack it. I beg to differ, and so here I am.
this is the first I've shown her
of my face. It's not me, but close.
happy birthday

Let me introduce myself. I am a figment of her imagination. She was hanging out with her other characters one night when I just showed up and, let's be honest, freaked her out just a bit. She doesn't really call me the phantom, though she has used that term before. She mostly just calls me him or he or something like that. Mostly because I haven't told her my name, or who I am, or where I came from, or why I'm here. I just am, and she'll never be rid of me. (I think she kind of likes that idea, though she wouldn't admit it.) I'm always in all black and leather and silver chains. She thinks I'm always on my iPod, but I'm not really always on it, only a lot. I do always have my black earphones plugged in, listening to music.

Enough of me. Since I'm the only one who can "hack" her account, I've decided I'm obligated to do that birthday post she and her friend were talking about. Even if I am a bit late.

Her birthday was September 10th, on which day she turned twenty.

The big two-oh.

Jess, leave.

It's Dan. But I'm her favorite.

No, you're not. And stop with the Dan thing, it's getting tiresome.

Well, at least I've got a na—

There, I've bumped him off.

I understand she's been missing in the blogging world this month. I can see her quote blog has failed miserably, temporarily. She went from an entirely empty summer to every day being full with something, which is the cause of the unannounced disappearance. Now I'm getting wordy. That happens when I force myself to talk too much.

Life got busy and she was dragged along for the ride. It's not all bad. Most of it's good, actually. She met some new people and they all became fast friends. She's going to their wedding this weekend. She's moving to Florida in less than two weeks (which is kind of a big deal, and she still hasn't begun to pack beyond mentally organizing things). She had a sleepover with another friend and they came up with an entire project Anne is now working on.

This is a lousy post as birthday posts go. I'm not really sure what they do and say in these.

Just say happy birthday, already! And... yeah, I don't really know, either. Good experiment, though. And now people know you exist. You were so opposed to that. What changed your mind?

Would you guys stop interrupting?

You know what, say happy birthday, everyone.

Happy birthday! :))

Uh, happy birthday. I guess.

Jess, be nice. Say what you mean for once.

I did.


Happy birthday, Jessy.

Happy birthday, writeress :]

There, good? Good.

She loves music. She's discovered a whole array of instrumental covers lately. She listens to music constantly, whether it's those covers or something else. She listens to music more than she does anything else. Breathing is almost less important to her. Poetical writing and speech is music to her mind, she sees patterns of poetry in a lot more than most people might.

Jainie wants to say something.

Thanks. I just wanted to say I'm glad she wrote me. I might die, but that's okay. I think she found a better way to go with the story, but I'm not sure. Either way, someone dies... I guess I'm not very good about spoilers, but he's warning me, so I'll stop.

This is for her birthday, so I wanted to say something nice, that's all. I've gotten to see some of the poems she's written that she hasn't posted, and that's one of my favorite things about being her character, getting to read unknown poetry. She lets me see all the stuff she writes for my novel and for blogging, even the rough drafts, which is fun, too.

I guess that's all.

Seems a good place to end. But first, here's one of her favorite covers.

Happy birthday, girl.

Signing off, the one currently known as the phantom black.

Sunshine Award

Hello, dearies!

I apologize for my sudden absence. I've been busy with things like moving to a different state, planning things with new and best of friends, attending a wedding, and all manner of otherness. I also seem to have abandoned An Ocean Raging... I'll get back to that once I'm moved (beginning of October).

For those of you anxiously awaiting part two (of Curse Me For Loving You), I'm still working on that, and planning on finishing it before Sunday night when season four of Once Upon a Time premiers.

In the meantime, Carly from Books and Etc. has nominated me for the Sunshine Award. (Still not sure why these things are called awards?) Thanks, Carly!


thank the person who nominated you

tell us five facts about yourself

answer the five questions given

write five questions for your nominees to answer

nominate five bloggers for this award
(and let them know about it)

random facts

I finally got my hair cut. I went from hair all the way down my back to hair above my shoulders with side bangs. And I love it.

My friend and I came up with an entire book plot (on accident) and cast of five characters (including names, personality, etc.) in less than twenty minutes. Also, the title for the book and ideas for a four-book series. Which she's actually going to write. And I get to know everything about everything and yell at her when I don't like something (and praise her when I do. I'm not all jerk). Yay and awesome sauce.

I'm moving from Pennsylvania to Florida in less than two weeks. (Just me, not my family. I'll be living with my aunt as a nanny for her son.)

I turned 20 fifteen days ago

I'm sick of giving random fact about myself. I'm boring, anyhow.

carly's questions

what is your favorite memory from middle school?

I don't know what my favorite memory is. But a memory is seeing the stars in the African sky so much more clearly than are usually seen here in America. There were so many, and it was so beautiful. The closest the Pennsylvanian sky has gotten to that are on clear winter nights. The sky is so much more clear and beautiful in wintertime.

if you were a book, who would you want in your story and who would write it?
plus, what genre would your book be (personality-wise)?

Markus Zusak would write it.

Hmm... I have to actually choose people? I don't know... I need a limit.
My closest friends, my closest family members, and a few random strangers just to make it interesting.

Genre? Based on my personality? Hmm. Adventure, maybe? With a dash of darkness and a hint of horror. Then throw in a small slice of sunshine to balance it out a bit.

if you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?


Not really. That's just what a friend kept thinking my name was when we first met. Apparently, it's now my nickname.

Honestly, I don't know.

if you could turn back time and relive a year of your life, what year would it be and why?

I wouldn't.

But, if I've got to choose...

Nope. Sorry. Too much brain power needed.
Perhaps another time, dearie.


if you were a superhero, what would be your superpower and who would be your partner(s) in crime?
what would you call yourselves?

My superpower would be that I never had to sleep. I can if I want to, but I don't have to. That would be absolutely lovely in so many ways.

I wasn't aware that superheros committed crimes? Very well. Anne-girl and Aaron. We would be all kinds of things, from Robin Hood to Charlotte Doyle to something out of Little Women, to the idiots who do things like eat pudding out of mayonnaise jars and put on fake accents when no one knows who we are. Also cosplays (which basically means mature dress-up and play-acting, minus "mature"). I'd mostly provide the insults and insanity.

We'd call ourselves kameraden. Obviously.
I'm really not usually the one to come up with the name.
I'm just the one who changes the original words around properly.

(Fine, I'll tell you. Kameraden is German for comrades.)
yeah, I used Google translate...

my questions

what kind of posts would you like to see (more of) on my blog?

if you could be a new character in your favorite TV show, which show would that be?
what role would you play in the show?

why is the sky blue?

tell me your worst nightmare

how and when did the writer's curse first consume you?


I've one other announcement. Two, actually. And neither of them have anything to do with anything associated with my blog. Yet. I have two new Monte Cristo converts. And I have become a Sherlockian.

Now we'll see how I do about getting that fanfic finished...

Friday, August 29, 2014

Curse You For Loving Me

Hello, dearies!

There's so much going on in this thing called life right now, and I've unfortunately fallen terribly behind on blogging and the like.

Church and friends, family and traveling, books and writing and music. Mostly some new friends I've just met this week, a more than likely move to Florida (the state which I despise), and The Book Thief. Yes, I caved. I couldn't stand it any more. I had to read it again. Especially after that movie... whatever that was.

But, since I've been suddenly absent, I decided I'd give you all a taste of part two of the fanfic I've written. I've only just begun working on it, but I'm determined to finish it before September 28. Because there's no way I'm writing more of this particular fanfic after the next episode comes out. I just couldn't do it, because it would no longer be accurate. I hate deviations. Usually.

I'm probably going to edit this later, but here you are:

Robin loved Regina, he really did. But now, the woman who had been his first wife and the mother of his child had come back from the past - literally. What was he supposed to make of that? 
"Regina-" he begin, taking a step toward her. 
"Don't you 'Regina' me," she snapped. 
Marian watched this, confused, then spoke before Regina could continue. "Robin, I don't understand. Who is this woman?" 
Robin sighed. "Marian, I've thought you dead for years-" 
"What are you saying?" 
"I'm saying that since you've been gone, I've come to love this woman." 
"So what you're saying is that you no longer love me." 
"Of course I do!" Robin paused. "You were dead, Marian. How can you fault me for loving again?"

Any thoughts? Tell me or don't. I'm just hoping I can write Robin and Marian as true-to-character as I seem to have last time. I don't know them nearly as well as I know the characters in part one.

The title of this post jumped into my head just now. I'm pretty sure that's what I'll title the fanfic. Thoughts?

Monday, August 18, 2014


Hello, dearies! Today, I have an announcement to make for a friend of mine. Anne-girl from Scribblings is hosting a new blog called Half-Baked! Here's a quick blurb she wrote for it:

Half Baked is a blog dedicated to the art of writing and exploring what goes into a solid story. The blog operates on the principal that most stories are like cake, delicious and scrumptious and all the other cake words that are out there. But just like cake, a story can come out gooey and shaky in the middle, half baked. This blog is meant to help turn awesome ideas into solid, fully baked novels. Stop by on September first to join in the release party. There will be contests and a giveaway and of course virtual cake.

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely excited about this. Head on over and give it a look!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Giveaways & Plenilune

First, Plenilune! I've been meaning to post about this and add the button to my blog for the longest time.

I really don't know much about this book, but I do know of the author, Jenny Freitag of The Penslayer. Her book, The Shadow Things, is one of Anne-girl's favorite books, and so she (of course) lent me her copy. I don't remember the book too much (I really should read it again), but I do remember that it was good and enjoyable.

All of that to say, Jenny has a new book coming out! Of course, you've figured that out by now. The cover reveal will be posted here (and other places) on October 9th, so be sure to check back!

Next, the first of two giveaways I'm posting about today. Rachel of The Inkpen Authoress is hosting the Half-Dozen Giveaway! The winner will receive one of each of her published works as well as a copy of Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss. This giveaway begins at midnight tonight.

click the button to view Rachel's entry post

Last but not least, the second giveaway is by Miss Wendy of The Midnight Garden. She went to a movie screening of If I Stay and has received a movie tie-in copy of the book and a paperback copy of Where She Went by Gayle Forman for this giveaway!

Click here or on the picture to the left to enter and to read Miss Wendy's post.

Disclaimer: This is not a recommendation. I haven't read these books or done too much research on them. I'm interested in them and the movie, which is why I've entered the giveaway, but other than Miss Wendy's post, the movie trailer, and some other random things I've read/heard about these books, I don't know much about them.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

[title here]

Hello, dearies. Guess what? Today, I'm posting my first ever fan fiction! 

I strongly recommend that you [finish] watch[ing] all three seasons before reading this. If you've seen all three, don't care about spoilers, or don't plan on watching Once, then proceed! Though, if you haven't seen it, it probably won't make any sense.

It occurs exactly at the end of season three, beginning about an instant after Regina tells Emma she better not have brought anything else back [from the past].

Warning!! Spoilers ahead!

Hook got up and took Emma by the arm, pulling her away from the gathering and back outside to the very place he'd just confessed to giving up his ship for her sake.

"What have you done?" he snapped.

Emma was still a bit shell-shocked. Marian? How, why... Hook's words registered and she fumbled to answer them. "I... But I couldn't just... She was going to be executed!"

"If that's how history happened the first time, then that's how it had to happen again. Now, judging by the way things went in there, we've quite possibly got the Evil Queen on our hands again."

"Or hand, in your case," Emma mumbled in response.

"Whatever," Hook sighed. "Swan, the point is, we've—"

"Emma!" Belle interrupted as she approached them, cutting Hook off.

"Belle, what is it?" Emma could see the confusion written across Belle's face.

"It's Rumple," she answered, choking back tears. "I think he's lying to us."

"What do you mean, he's lying to us?" Emma asked, Marian forgotten for the moment.

Belle held up the dagger she was holding. "I tried to use this." She paused. "It isn't working."

Emma groaned. "I'll get David, then we'll go talk to him." She wanted to say more, but not with Belle standing there.

Hook, Belle, Emma, and David stormed into Mr. Gold's shop. Gold himself was behind the counter, his back to them. When he heard the four enter, he finished what he was doing and turned to face them.

"What can I do for you all?" he began, but then he saw Belle's face. "Belle!" he muttered, walking around the counter towards her. "What's the matter?"

"You've been lying to us," Emma stated, ferocity creeping through her voice.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean," Rumple replied, his hand on Belle's arm. She looked at it but didn't move away.

"You know very well what we mean." Emma gestured to the dagger in Belle's hand. "That dagger is a fake."

"Whatever makes you think that?" he said, spreading his hands out in front of him.

"We used it," Emma answered, then added, "or tried to."

Rumple, shocked at his discovery, looked to Belle. "Belle? I thought you trusted me."

"I thought you trusted me," she responded softly.

"But I do."

"Then why," Belle asked, her voice begging for a better explanation, "did you lie to me? I gave the dagger to you, you didn't have to give it back!"

Gold looked around him at the faces of the others, his hands still spread wide, then back at Belle. She wanted so bad to believe in him still, he could see it in the way her eyes were pleading with him. But there was something else, something he hadn't seen in her before. Her walls were going up, and he had to stop them.

Rumple dropped his arms to his sides. "I killed Zelena."

"Come again?" Hook interjected.

"I killed Zelena," Gold repeated. "I took the real dagger because I knew I couldn't if Belle had it."

"But why—"

"I had to avenge my son!" he shouted, then softened again. "I swore it."

"But why give me a fake?" Belle cried. "You could have just taken it."

Gold looked down. "Because then everyone would have known I killed her."

"You used me."

He looked back up at her. "Belle..."

She didn't respond, just stared at him, tears scrolling down her cheeks, her feet frozen to the ground.

"Belle, I'm so sorry, I really am," Rumple apologized, cupping his hands around Belle's face. This time, she turned away.

"Belle, please." Rumple swallowed before continuing. "Forgive me."

Belle looked up, her eyes a fire. "You proposed to me, and then you used me," she bit off quietly, full of passion.

"Sure, you're sorry," Emma cut in, taking control again. "Maybe we'd believe that if you'd stop lying to us."

David put his hand on Emma's shoulder, quieting her, and looked at Gold. "Where is the dagger?"

"It's locked in the safe with magic. Only I can open it."

"Get it," David instructed.

"And don't even think about pulling any tricks," Emma said viciously.

"Emma." David looked at her reprovingly.

Gold held his hands up as he walked behind the counter and opened the safe. He ran his hand above the box stored inside, undoing the magic he'd sealed it with. He picked up the dagger with both hands and held it in front of him as he walked around the counter toward Emma.

"Take it," Emma motioned to Hook, never taking her eyes off Gold.

Hook took the dagger and stepped back as David handcuffed Rumple. Emma and David led Gold away, Belle and Hook trailing behind.

Killian slowed to a halt, stopping Belle with his hook. She froze, waiting. "I don't condone what he's done, lass," he started, "but if it's any comfort... that man does love you. And if there's one thing we've learned these past couple of years, it's that true love is stronger than anything." The words tasted strange on his tongue. "Don't give up, luv."

Belle looked at Hook. "Thank you," she smiled gratefully, her eyes still shimmering with tears.

Rumplestiltskin sat in the jail cell, the same one he'd vacated of Zelena not long ago. That woman had been his undoing. Why hadn't he taken care of her when he'd had the chance? Right, he'd no need to then. Now he was a changed man; was supposed to be. Yet, he again found himself in a cage because of her.


Belle had finally given up on him. And if she'd given up, how could he expect anyone else to believe in him? She'd always been that one.

Bae. His son, the one he'd crossed worlds and, despite the risks, enabled a curse to find, was gone. He'd found him only to lose him again, this time for ever.

You reap was you sow. The thought whirled around in his head. If that was true, did he really deserve all he was getting? Probably more, he thought resignedly.

Belle was hurting. She didn't understand how Rumple had lied to her, and in such a big way. She was torn between believing and giving up. She still loved him — she always would. But after this latest betrayal, she couldn't keep the question from haunting her soul: Can a man like Rumplestiltskin truly change?

yes, that's the end

I'm thinking of continuing this {I'm pretty sure Anna almost died when she realized that's where it ended} but I'm having a terrible time thinking of a title (for both this part and the possible series).

So, what do you think of this? Should I continue? Any title suggestions?
Tell me in the comments!

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