
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Giveaways & Plenilune

First, Plenilune! I've been meaning to post about this and add the button to my blog for the longest time.

I really don't know much about this book, but I do know of the author, Jenny Freitag of The Penslayer. Her book, The Shadow Things, is one of Anne-girl's favorite books, and so she (of course) lent me her copy. I don't remember the book too much (I really should read it again), but I do remember that it was good and enjoyable.

All of that to say, Jenny has a new book coming out! Of course, you've figured that out by now. The cover reveal will be posted here (and other places) on October 9th, so be sure to check back!

Next, the first of two giveaways I'm posting about today. Rachel of The Inkpen Authoress is hosting the Half-Dozen Giveaway! The winner will receive one of each of her published works as well as a copy of Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss. This giveaway begins at midnight tonight.

click the button to view Rachel's entry post

Last but not least, the second giveaway is by Miss Wendy of The Midnight Garden. She went to a movie screening of If I Stay and has received a movie tie-in copy of the book and a paperback copy of Where She Went by Gayle Forman for this giveaway!

Click here or on the picture to the left to enter and to read Miss Wendy's post.

Disclaimer: This is not a recommendation. I haven't read these books or done too much research on them. I'm interested in them and the movie, which is why I've entered the giveaway, but other than Miss Wendy's post, the movie trailer, and some other random things I've read/heard about these books, I don't know much about them.


  1. I read about Penilune on Inkpen Authoress, and it sounds really amazing! I've read some Planetary Fantasy before, and always enjoyed it, so I think this book will be interesting, thanks for reminding me about it!

    1. It does look really awesome. She did a video on her blog a while back and apparently she's got a whole series going on with this book (she explained it in the vlog). I think this is the first book [in the series] that's getting published, though.

  2. Thanks for linking to our IF I STAY giveaway! hope you enjoy the book and the film when you get to it.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  3. The Penilune promos are so epically done! It makes me think a movie is coming out. ;)

    1. They do look pretty awesome! You're right, it does look like a movie promo... That's kinda cool.


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