
Monday, December 22, 2014

Black and Brown // Preto e Marrom

I walked to the small coffee shop near our house. A twenty-minute walk but worth it, and I needed the air and exercise to create the illusion of clearing my head.

As I sat at the small metal table, I couldn't help but think. Things and nonsense and otherwise clouded my mind while I attempted to dispel them all. It was just one of those days.

He sat down next to me, dressed all in black, but I wasn't afraid. I didn't even look at him and he didn't say a word. He just sat with his iPhone and I simply understood he was there.

My coffee came and smiled at me, a comforting warmth that poured down my throat. I was drowned in the scalding liquid blanket and the sound streaming from the lines connecting me to the world. Nothing could have been better.

Fui até a pequena loja de café perto da nossa casa. A caminhada de vinte minutos, mas vale a pena, e eu precisava de ar e exercer para criar a ilusão de limpar minha cabeça.

Enquanto eu me sentei na mesa de metal pequeno, eu não pude deixar de pensar. Coisas e absurdo e de outra forma moldaram minha mente enquanto eu tentava dissipar todos eles. Foi apenas um daqueles dias.

Sentou-se ao meu lado, todo vestido de preto, mas eu não estava com medo. Eu nem sequer olhar para ele e ele não disse uma palavra. Ele apenas ficou com seu iPhone e eu simplesmente entendeu que ele estava lá.

Meu café veio e sorriu para mim, um calor reconfortante que derramou na minha garganta. Eu estava afogado no cobertor líquido escaldante eo som de streaming a partir das linhas me ligam ao mundo. Nada poderia ter sido melhor.
translated by Google Translate


  1. I really like this. It's sweet and gentle and just quiet. And how you mention the presence of someone, but just their presence is enough. I like that too. I would be someone like that, I don't really react but I do quietly appreciate the presence of another person.

    I'm glad you're still blogging! I really enjoy reading your posts.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

      Yes, I've just been super busy, so not much posting but I can't stop either.


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