
 the writings 
 the creed 
 my penslayer 
 the writeress
 some things

of The Writeress

Hello, Dearies! (Excuse the Once Upon a Time reference if you must.)

My name is Jessy, and I am The Writeress. Not by any nomination; simply, because I coined the term. And that is all.

If I happen to write anything worth reading, the credit belongs solely to my Lord.

The wind pulls at her clothes and the rain pelts her skin.
She stands in the midst of the storm, thinking of what could have been.
She should have been more loving, she should have been more clean;
She should have been more careful of the things she'd seen. 
Oh, well, it's too late now. There's nothing can be done. 
She sits upon the wall, beneath the rising sun. 
{1 July 2014}


click above to read "Something of a Manifesto" by Annegirl

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