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Monday, December 29, 2014

Awaken Her

adding this edit as of 18 Feb 2023 since this post has recently been linked to outside of blogger

I am no longer active on this blog. My current blog can be found here as well as the newly-written part two of this story.

Disclaimer: some of the views expressed in the content of Barefoot in the Snow no longer represent me or my beliefs.

I don't know what she's thinking, diving in like that. I watch her pierce the water's calm face and disappear beneath the surface. We wait for her to return.

The water is dark, deep, consuming. I search through the veil but cannot see. Soon, I return to the surface, just long enough to breathe, then push myself down deep below the glass. She's in here somewhere. She's fine, she just needs help to find the way. 
I ascend once more. Nathan calls my name just before the water muffles my ears. He's found her, and she's fine. Of course she is. 
The current guides me toward them on the bank just beyond me. I give into its strength while I wonder what went on. She's lying on the ground, Nathan trying to revive her. Of course she's okay, she just needs air. 
I make it to where they've landed. Her lips are purple, her face is white. She's not dead yet.

I remember the sirens' scream as we rushed toward each other. We had to get her to the road, the ambulances couldn't get to the river. Nathan held her and ran, still I could hardly keep up.

The mad rush to the hospital, the rush through the halls, the frantic hurry to waken her.

I wish it had worked. No, she didn't die. She was fine, of course she was fine. She'd never been better.

That was the problem.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Novel Idea – Jainie Ruth

A Novel Idea
click on the picture for this week's linkup
It's been awhile. But, I'm excited to be answering more questions. Enter, Jainie Ruth Alexander.

Who is her father and what is he like?
Kyle Alexander is a Navy SEAL. He's been missing in action for quite some time. Loyal, strong, protective.

Who is her mother and what is she like?
Mia Jasmin was a beautiful young woman. She married Kyle and they had two children together, but she left them with her [abusive] brother not long after her husband went missing. 

Are her parents still married, or divorced?
Technically, they're still married.

Describe her siblings – if she has any.
Joshua Kyle Alexander. He's older than her by five years. She looks up to him, relies on him. She sees him as the strongest person she knows. She knows he's not perfect but through her eyes he is.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Moment // O Momento

Something told me. He's here.

I flew down the stairs and out the door. He was close, I knew he was. My mom called after me, but I hardly heard. She was drowned out by the voice drumming in my head, He's here, he's here. He's close, he's here.

I ran to the end of our driveway and down the old dirt road. It stopped into pavement before too long, diving beneath the hard black surface, creating a T with the yellow lines fading down the middle of the modern road. I could see headlights. It's him, he's here. For once the voices were welcome.

I waited by the stop sign, anxiously patient. I peered through the windows as the car got closer, trying to see in, somehow knowing but still wondering. The sun was low, peeping over the hills in the background, lighting the world just enough to send it to sleep. I slowly realized all at once the icy cold seeping through my soles; in my hurry I'd run all this way barefoot in the snow, wearing only my short-sleeved pajamas. I didn't mind. He's here.

The car slowed as it crept closer. It finally pulled round the corner and stopped in front of me. A man stepped out in full uniform. I stood tall just above his waist. I stared at his belt for the longest second of my life, the moment my heart stopped time. I raised my eyes to his face, suddenly scared to trust my eyes or the voices, the moment that didn't exist. I looked into his smiling eyes. It's him.

He knelt down and held his arms out to me. Next thing I knew I was in his arms, the moment the world was still.

Algo me disse. Ele está aqui.

Desci as escadas e saiu pela porta. Ele estava perto, eu sabia que ele era. Minha mãe me chamou, mas eu quase não ouvi. Ela foi abafada pelo rufar voz na minha cabeça, Ele está aqui, ele está aqui. Ele está perto, ele está aqui.

Corri para o final do nosso caminho e pela estrada de terra antiga. Ele parou na calçada antes de muito tempo, o mergulho sob a superfície dura preta, criando um T com as linhas amarelas desvanecem no meio da estrada moderna. Eu podia ver os faróis. É ele, ele está aqui. Pela primeira vez, as vozes eram bem-vindos.

Esperei pelo sinal de parada, ansiosamente paciente. Olhei através das janelas quando o carro se aproximou, tentando ver em, de alguma forma saber, mas ainda se perguntando. O sol estava baixo, olhando ao longo dos montes no fundo, iluminando o mundo apenas o suficiente para enviá-lo para dormir. Eu lentamente percebeu tudo de uma vez o frio gelado que escoa através de minhas solas; Na minha pressa eu ia correr todo esse caminho descalço na neve, usando apenas o meu pijama de manga curta. Eu não me importava. Ele está aqui.

O carro diminuiu, uma vez que se arrastou mais perto. Ele finalmente se ao virar da esquina e parou na minha frente. Um homem saiu de uniforme completo. Eu estava logo acima de sua espera. Olhei para sua cintura para o segundo mais longo da minha vida, o momento meu coração parou tempo. Ergui os olhos para o seu rosto, de repente, com medo de confiar em meus olhos, nem as vozes, o momento em que não existia. Olhei em seus olhos sorridentes. É ele.

Ajoelhou-se e estendeu is braços para min. A próxima coisa que eu sabia que eu estava em seua braços, o momento em que o mundo ainda era.
translated by Google Translate

Monday, December 22, 2014

Black and Brown // Preto e Marrom

I walked to the small coffee shop near our house. A twenty-minute walk but worth it, and I needed the air and exercise to create the illusion of clearing my head.

As I sat at the small metal table, I couldn't help but think. Things and nonsense and otherwise clouded my mind while I attempted to dispel them all. It was just one of those days.

He sat down next to me, dressed all in black, but I wasn't afraid. I didn't even look at him and he didn't say a word. He just sat with his iPhone and I simply understood he was there.

My coffee came and smiled at me, a comforting warmth that poured down my throat. I was drowned in the scalding liquid blanket and the sound streaming from the lines connecting me to the world. Nothing could have been better.

Fui até a pequena loja de café perto da nossa casa. A caminhada de vinte minutos, mas vale a pena, e eu precisava de ar e exercer para criar a ilusão de limpar minha cabeça.

Enquanto eu me sentei na mesa de metal pequeno, eu não pude deixar de pensar. Coisas e absurdo e de outra forma moldaram minha mente enquanto eu tentava dissipar todos eles. Foi apenas um daqueles dias.

Sentou-se ao meu lado, todo vestido de preto, mas eu não estava com medo. Eu nem sequer olhar para ele e ele não disse uma palavra. Ele apenas ficou com seu iPhone e eu simplesmente entendeu que ele estava lá.

Meu café veio e sorriu para mim, um calor reconfortante que derramou na minha garganta. Eu estava afogado no cobertor líquido escaldante eo som de streaming a partir das linhas me ligam ao mundo. Nada poderia ter sido melhor.
translated by Google Translate

Dark as Night // Escuro como Noite

I run hard through the darkening forest. The sun is setting and it's that strange time of night just before the absence of light when the darkness has consumed your eyes. My bloody red skirt reaches under my feet and grabs at my legs, threatening to overthrow me.

Eu corro difícil através da floresta escura. O sol está se pondo e é nessa época estranha da noite, pouco antes da ausência de luz quando a escuridão consumiu seus olhos. Minha saia vermelha sangrenta atinge debaixo dos meus pés e pega as minhas pernas, ameaçando me derrubar.
translation by Google Translate
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