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Monday, October 6, 2014

Plenilune - Cover Reveal

Hello, darlings!

Sorry, went all Red Queen there for a moment.


Jenny Freitag will be publishing her newest book on 20 October, and today is the cover reveal!

But, before all the fun stuff, here's an explanation of what planetary fantasy is, written by Jenny herself. (It's actually quite good. Yes, it is.) Also, go check out her blog!

Now that that's out of the way...

The fate of Plenilune hangs on the election of the Overlord, for which Rupert de la Mare and his brother are the only contenders, but when Rupert’s unwilling bride-to-be uncovers his plot to murder his brother, the conflict explodes into civil war. 

To assure the minds of the lord-electors of Plenilune that he has some capacity for humanity, Rupert de la Mare has been asked to woo and win a lady before he can become the Overlord, and he will do it—even if he has to kidnap her.

En route to Naples to catch a suitor, Margaret Coventry was not expecting a suitor to catch her.

JENNIFER FREITAG lives with her husband in a house they call Clickitting, with their two cats Minnow and Aquila, and their own fox kit due to be born in early December.  Jennifer writes in no particular genre because she never learned how, she is make of sparks like Boys of Blur, and if she could grasp the elements, she would bend them like lightning.  Until then, she sets words on fire.
Living with her must be excruciating.

And guess what? Plenilune has it's own Goodreads page!

Well, that's all for now, folks!

What's that? Yes, yes, I'll be posted that fanfic soon... Maybe I should get that edited now? Nahhh.

Goodnight morning, friends!

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